Happy Chocolate Mint Day!
Every so often, I take advantage of this quirky US holiday to connect with colleagues and friends. Five bits of news (plus a poem) since our last update:
1: Joined the Mobius Ecosystem
As some readers know, I just wrapped-up a nearly two-year assignment as Interim COO at Mobius Executive Leadership. This project was full of discovery, warmth, and many exciting opportunities to tackle what my friend Greg Brandeau calls “wicked problems.” (Hence my relative radio silence; leadership is hard work! LOL) It was a tremendous privilege to serve alongside CEO Amy Elizabeth Fox and EVP Alex Kuilman during a period of intense growth. As I emerge and reconnect, I feel a bit like Punxsutawney Phil poking my head up again (especially as this assignment followed so closely after the year I spent at home during the pandemic). I loved working with the Mobius ecosystem and look forward to weaving many learnings from this experience into future projects.
2: Blog Highlights
My blog is an infrequent medium for sharing frequent themes that emerge in coaching. Thus far, the most popular posts have been compilations including:
Grief Rejection Resilience: A Mash-Up - four inspiring images, two poems, three quotes plus links to one essay and one memorable rejection video.
Kintsugi and at least 33 other ways to reframe "failure" - favorite images, songs and examples of how failure (and conflict) enables learning
Know Your Worth - nine wise reminders about why both we and the people who surround us matter.
3: Collective Genius in HBR!
In case you missed it, Harvard Business Review featured Collective Genius in their Nov/Dec 2021 issue. “Drive Innovation with Better Decision-Making” summarizes one component from our research into the most important factors that support innovation. Hooray and congratulations to all!
4: Learning New Things
As ever, I’ve been exploring new tools and methodologies. While serving as COO was the biggest professional development, I had a few other adventures including:
Lynda Caesara’s groundbreaking 10-day immersion Foundations of Energy Mastery course. I’m still seeking the right words to share this magnificent experience.
Change Everything Sprint with Zander Grashow, a beautiful virtual presentation of Adaptive Leadership.
5: Limited availability for coaching, consulting or other projects
No matter the context, my passion remains social innovation, and I most especially love helping smart people solve (or begin to identify) important challenges. If you know anyone looking for leadership coaching, consulting or help with a project, please be in touch.
Bonus Poem: The Clearing
By Martha Postlethwaite
Do not try to serve the whole world
or do anything grandiose.
Instead, create
a clearing
in the dense forest
of your life
and wait there
until the song
that is yours alone to sing
falls into your open cupped hands
and you recognize and greet it.
Only then will you know
how to give yourself
to the world
so worthy of rescue.
Click for more poems I use in my coaching and consulting practice.