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Investments in human capital, whether it be team learning, establishing systems for collaboration or even just gathering people together for a meeting, can yield powerful and lasting results. The unfortunate effects of ineffective efforts - lost momentum, confusion, disagreement, annoyance, or even simmering resentments - can also linger.
Managing performance is like gardening….how do you create the right conditions for each individual to flourish?
Drawing upon years of leading, managing and organizing others, Mint Chip Studios serves as a thought partner or sounding board for clients leading growing or changing organizations as they plan for action. Typical engagements include:
(usually custom systems for performance management or annual planning)
Do you feel that your staff could collaborate more effectively? Many young and growing organizations start out with a casual approach to goal setting, day-to-day management and annual evaluation. As teams get larger and the work gets more complex, however, establishing systems for integrated, streamlined performance management or annual planning becomes critical.
Defining goals and evaluating results are the cornerstones of any learning organization. Although these practices can be challenging, when done with care and skill they can be powerful and gratifying for all involved. Research shows that individuals and organizations are more effective with clear priorities and regular opportunities to review job performance.
Mint Chip Studios works with clients to create integrated systems for setting performance targets, establishing individual work plans, or providing feedback. Based upon best practices and well-honed toolkits, we create systems tailored to each client’s strategy and culture that yield maximum impact for minimum paperwork.
Is your organization looking to retain and develop talented professionals? On-the-job learning is one of the most powerful forms of learning, and research proves it to be a key factor in employee retention. Both individuals and organizations flourish when employees’ skills and wishes converge with organizational needs and opportunities. For busy managers, however, finding time to identify plum stretch assignments can often feel daunting, if not impossible.
Mint Chip Studios works with organizations to develop systems and models for embedded professional development. Engagements range from one-day brainstorming sessions to year-long design efforts. Projects can include executive coaching, individual development planning for rising stars, curriculum design for training efforts, competency model design, or team-wide learning systems.
In many organizations, senior leaders want to invest in human capital, but need support to get critical functions up and running. Mint Chip Studios provides ongoing coaching or hands-on support to enable strategic human capital system or project implementation. Services can include program launches, staff training and mentoring, interim executive leadership, or temporary project management.
Managing talented staff can be a great joy. Keeping the good ones happy, however, is no easy task. Are you trying to retain a high-potential employee? Do you have a gifted but challenging staff member? For busy managers, making individualized development plans for key staff is one of those important tasks that often slip down the to-do list yielding to urgent demands and deadlines. Without thoughtful plans in place, however, capable staff can stagnate in their roles, become curious about other opportunities, or simply contribute less than their potential.
Mint Chip Studios can help you make specific plans based on your anticipated projects and responsibilities for you to develop, retain, and/or sponsor one important direct report. Managers can work with Mint Chip Studios to create one-time development plans over a few hours, or contract for quarterly, semi-annual or annual consulting.
Project cost and timelines vary according to client’s needs and project scope.